A picture of an open mouth, white beads as teeth, a 🦷 toothbrush, and a pair if plastic tweezers…it really doesn’t get too much more simple. If you have a die laying around, you can roll it and have them remove or pull the corresponding number of teeth. We tried it with our 3-year-olds, but they’re just not there yet, and that’s ok. They still understood that the beads were meant to be teeth, used the tiny muscles in their hands and tools laid out before them to place the teeth onto their picture card, and counted them as they went along.
Which reminds me…if you find that an activity is too easy or too hard for your littles, feel free to change it up! So many people get caught up in having to do activities EXACTLY as pictured or intended, when it really doesn’t have to be that way. Use what you have and adjust accordingly. Nine times out if 10, it’ll still be worth it.
🧩 A few of us over at #adaptmyplay are getting together every week to show parents…
My sister-in-law took one look at this and asked if we were making…
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