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Category: Math


My sister-in-law took one look at this and asked if we were making caterpillars 🐛 . While the reality couldn’t be further from the truth, I could see why she thought so and recommend this activity as part of a STEM station during a butterfly 🦋 unit (or anytime, really). To start, I had B help me set this up. She selected the placement of the toilet paper rolls (great…


@twotolove_bairantwins and I happen to share a love of dot stickers, so when I saw this activity on her grid, I knew I had to try it. 🤗 Sure enough, B was completely entertained for 20+ minutes. In our case, B just matched the color dot sticker with the corresponding heart ring, using her fine motor skills (pincer grasp) to peel the stickers off and affix them to the 💜), but there…


I wanted a break from arctic crafts and really didn’t feel like I was paying as much attention to number recognition as I have been to letter recognition. So, as I was guest hosting for #letsplayandlearntoday I stumbled upon a similar printable on the grid of @learning.with.the.smalls. I absolutely loved it and a little internet stalking later (I can be resourceful 😉), I discovered the IG page…


This particular set up came with the curriculum I use with B to give me a framework, but it is something many of the creative accounts that follow me could recreate without much difficulty. Each player takes a turn with the spinner, adding or subtracting cubes until the grid has been completed and the crystal built. To be honest, I hadn’t introduced B to addition or subtraction AT ALL…