B has been looking forward to making these since she saw me prepping them. At the time, they were nothing more than triangular pieces of foil with string taped to them, but she was excited. So much so that I let her help me prepare them.
So often I find myself short on time to plan or prep activities, as I typically reserve this for when she’s asleep. Our days have been long lately though, and on multiple nights, I’ve fallen asleep with her. While it may provide much needed rest, it doesn’t exactly lend itself to planning ahead. So, I finally gave in, because why not?
I actually let my daughter see me planning her school activities and let her take part in it. You know what happened? She OWNED it! It was extra exciting for her because she had a part in the preparation, which will lead me to allow her (and myself) more freedom to do this in the future.
Want to know what we did? We loosely rolled triangular pieces of foil (shiny side out), taped a piece of string to the inside, scrunched it tightly from top to bottom, poured glue over it, and added glitter. Tada! 🪄
B chose multiple shades of blue and learned quickly that white didn’t show up well (although not due to a lack of trying). She also learned that getting glitter in your eye on a windy 🌬 day is uncomfortable 🙈 and that observing your sticky, glittery fingers with the help of a magnifying glass 🔎 is pretty fascinating.
Thanks little B, for reminding me that so many of our memories are built together. Our kids don’t ask us to be perfect; just to be present. A lesson in grace was needed, and I’m grateful. I think I’m going to let her help me change out the letters and learning concepts on our morning meeting board tomorrow. Stay tuned.
🧩 A few of us over at #adaptmyplay are getting together every week to show parents…
My sister-in-law took one look at this and asked if we were making…
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