I walked into the living room to find B and her dad engrossed in this activity, which he initiated since she was already playing with one of her favorite things: Play-Doh
Sometimes people look at me funny when they hear me talking to B about 3D shapes, which I’ve been casually exposing her to since she was 2 (possibly earlier). Let me be clear: whatever attitude you take towards learning, your child will adopt. All I did was call a particular shape it’s name. I didn’t drill her, demand she learn it, or apply any sort of pressure. She was just casually exposed to shapes as part of her world.
Recently, we were driving and she pointed out a flag over the post office, followed by, “look, there’s a sphere on top!” I was so proud that I turned around and high-fived 🖐 her. B was right! That was absolutely a sphere on top of the flag pole and I was thrilled that her skills were being generalized (a sign of true learning).
Want to try exposing your littles to 3D shapes? Just grab some play dough, craft sticks, and have fun. FYI, this can just as easily be done with 2D shapes and is also a ton of fun when your child realizes that things are “sticking together.”
Let me know how it goes and have a great play!
🧩 A few of us over at #adaptmyplay are getting together every week to show parents…
My sister-in-law took one look at this and asked if we were making…
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