@twotolove_bairantwins and I happen to share a love of dot stickers, so when I saw this activity on her grid, I knew I had to try it. 🤗 Sure enough, B was completely entertained for 20+ minutes.
In our case, B just matched the color dot sticker with the corresponding heart ring, using her fine motor skills (pincer grasp) to peel the stickers off and affix them to the 💜), but there are so many other options to #adaptmyplay AND this is VERY low prep. 🙌🏻
❤️ To incorporate math, roll a die to determine how many dot stickers get placed onto the heart (ex: if the child rolls a 4, they place 4 dot stickers onto the heart).
❤️ To incorporate symmetry, decorate only one half of the heart and have your child decorate the other with this concept in mind.
❤️ To incorporate literacy, the dot stickers could have letters or sight words written on them so that your child would have to match letters or words instead of only colors.
❤️ If your child is teeny tiny or has physical challenges that prevent them from being successful with dot stickers, use color coordinated pop poms or gems to decorate the heart. 3D objects are MUCH easier to manipulate and depending on your child’s unique abilities, this option may be preferable.
Take home message: Make it enjoyable and functional for you in whichever way you’d like. I hope you try one of these out, and if you do, I’d love it if you’d tag me. Seeing your versions is extremely motivating. 💕
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