If you recall, earlier this week we made snow 2 different ways (baking soda and shaving cream vs. cornstarch and conditioner). Because I’m a fan of revisiting activities, we saved it and went out on a limb to attempt to make “fizzy snow” with it by adding vinegar. We knew baking soda and vinegar would react, but had no idea how this would work out because there was corn starch, conditioner, and shaving cream involved. Well folks, the outcome was FANTASTIC! 🤗
It was B’s idea to make snow castles by packing our snow into a measuring cup and flipping it over. We buried some arctic friends inside for added effect, and I quickly handed her a dropper full of vinegar before she smashed it all in the name of play. Check out my stories for her reaction to the fizz. 🤩 When we added more vinegar, we noticed we got an oobleck consistency. In one play, we went from powdery to fizzy to squishy. If you’re into science and messy play, I highly recommend this. It’s the perfect marriage of both.
Will you be trying this at home?
My sister-in-law took one look at this and asked if we were making…
While engaging on #festiveseasonplayideas I came across two different posts, one from @r.lees_mumma_to_the_sullivans and…
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