Lets be honest. I spend more time that I care to admit on Pinterest and other IG pages looking for ideas to do with the kids. The benefits? I take the best of what I find and adapt it to make it my own. This is an example of multiple @pinterest activities blended together.
I cut multiple strips of colored paper and a single paper plate in half. I gave the children some cotton balls to place on top to make a cloud. Then, they glued the colored strips onto their “cloud” according to the actual rainbow color order (ROYGBIV) by looking at a picture and matching them.
Tomorrow, once they’re dry, we’re going to write what they’re thankful for on each colored strip. Or rather, they’ll dictate it to me and I’ll write it. We have to meet kids where they’re at. They may only be 3, but their feelings are BIG and they matter. Teaching them gratitude early makes us all better humans.
• Paper plate
• Strips of paper (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
• Cotton balls
• Scissors ✂️
• Glue
• Marker
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