I’ve spent my life sprawled out on the floor and on playgrounds running around and playing with kids; it’s second nature to me. However, I realize that this isn’t the case for most people. They likely didn’t go to school for it and its possible they never grew up around young children. I discovered this while doing a workshop on developing skills through play, which was successful because there was a greater need for it that I had realized. The attendees not only wanted a list of recommended toys, but they wanted me to hold classes on HOW to use toys to teach skills (the videos will be forthcoming). As an SLP, parents would often tell me, “I went out and bought the same exact toys you’re using in therapy and they just won’t play with them.” To which I typically responded, “But did you PLAY with your child?” It sounds like a silly question, but often times the response comes slowly with that dear in the head lights look. Toys in and of themselves MAY entertain your child, but what is truly engaging and valuable is the interaction and skills they gain when you use a quality toy and they get to play WITH you. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just genuine.
I drew 2 Christmas trees and had B decorate each with the corresponding dot stickers…
Some blessed soul who must have understood B’s deep love for animals got her…
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