Snowball by Lois Ehlert has quickly become a favorite around here, and it was a great pairing for this activity. The story gives the reader so many creative ideas on how to decorate a snowman.⛄️ B and I chose buttons for the eyes 👀 and nose, black beans for the mouth, and craft sticks for the arms, but the possibilities are endless. She cut the top hat herself (with a lot of direction from me) out of card stock and chose the color she wanted me to write each letter of her name. I then had her arrange the snowballs in order by providing her a visual of her printed name. To decorate the snowman more like the cover of the story, we used a q-tip with white paint to make it look like it was snowing. ❄️

This little guy makes the cutest functional decoration. 🥰 Not only is he adorable, but we got a lot of letter naming and identifying in as well. It now hangs in our classroom and she’s able to see her name in print daily. She may not read yet, but these early literacy activities are priceless. 💕

About The Author

Jessica Peramo