On this day, we rolled out of bed a little reluctant to start the day, and B requested dot markers. The beauty of exposure is that she now has a pretty good idea of what she has available to her. I outlined a Christmas tree 🎄 and she decorated it with dot “balls.” After that, it was mostly independent play with her requesting help from me to cover every square inch…
The children collected some leaves in their wagon while playing outdoors. When play time was over, I had them pull the wagon to their table, which was prepped with scissors ✂️, magnifying glasses, 🕵️♀️ and hole punchers. What ensued was pure magic. 🌟 We enjoyed a beautiful afternoon outdoors ☀️ 🍃 while doing something educational. We’ll definitely be repeating this activity in the future…
I found a free printable on-line, set up some fall colored paint, and added Q-tips to the mix so B could experiment painting with a novel item. We could even call it pointillism. 😉 She enjoyed the Q-tips so much that I had to print out a 2nd blank tree, and she decided to use her fingertips to make leaves this time. When your kid enjoys an activity…
Sometimes I’ll fill a spot in our day with a familiar but educational activity that the kids haven’t yet mastered. Patterns are hard for them (completely normal for 3-year-olds), so I like to increase their exposure and opportunities. I pulled out the buttons and pattern mats, and B stared lacing in the most intricate way I have EVER seen her try AND be successful at it…
At the end of every 2 weeks, we have a “review” day that allows me to use up whatever activities I may not have gotten around to from our curriculum. These days also allow me more wiggle room to supplement with my own stuff, and tend to be my favorite because of the creative freedom they allow me. Today I decided the kids don’t get enough opportunities to cut…
MATERIALS:• Black construction paper• Scissors ✂️• Glue• Goggly eyes 👀• Masking tape This activity didn’t require a whole lot of prep, other than pre-tearing the masking tape for the kids (note: when you think you have enough, keep going; you definitely don’t and you can’t overdo it), and lasted about 15 minutes in total. Hud immediately pointed out that the masking tape was “sticky,” so even if you…
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