While learning about clouds, we read It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw and then did this “cloudy art” activity from the curriculum. Mixing white paint with water was a FANTASTIC combination so that the kids could suck it up with a pipette and drop it onto the thick blue paper to make a beautiful contrast. ☁️ We also had one cup filled with just white paint and another…
On Sunday, I started “growing” water beads and kept adding more as they expanded to make sure we’d be able to fill 2 trays worth. B has been asking EVERY SINGLE DAY since, if it’s time to play with them. My “not yet” has been met with some deep toddler disappointment, but it’s also been a lesson in patience (a lifelong skill). Finally, today was the day…
So today we learned about “wind” to go along with this month’s weather unit. The materials and idea were simple, but it appears that the @melissaanddougtoys washable paint 🎨 we used may have been too thick. The adults in the room tried to use the straws to blow the paint, sequins, and flowers 🌸 across the paper to no avail. Finally, one of the children decided to use his straw as…
If you haven’t discovered water beads yet, welcome to my obsession. Up until this week, I had only bought the multicolored packs (some with fine motor tools included), but there’s a cloud and weather activity I want to do later this week that will require only blue beads (pictured here). I may have also purchased Halloween 🎃 👻 colored water beads for Saturday night’s sensory station. 🙈 But seriously, they…
As part of our “staying healthy” theme, we learned about brushing our teeth and spent a lot of time talking about our previous experiences at the dentist (@miamichildrensdentist and @drbobpediatricdentist would be proud of their patients). The children were particularly interested in the dental floss. Who would have guessed? 🤷🏻♀️ This STEAM activity was provided by our Mother Goose Time curriculum by @experiencecurriculum. It was simple, fun, and not nearly as…
MATERIALS:• Black construction paper• Scissors ✂️• Glue• Goggly eyes 👀• Masking tape This activity didn’t require a whole lot of prep, other than pre-tearing the masking tape for the kids (note: when you think you have enough, keep going; you definitely don’t and you can’t overdo it), and lasted about 15 minutes in total. Hud immediately pointed out that the masking tape was “sticky,” so even if you…
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