Disclaimer: This was neither my work nor my idea. All credit goes to @moorethanhappy who was playing with the children during morning table time at school and created this with Play-Doh and some tools. I’m including it here because it’s beautiful, festive, and easy to reproduce. 💕 The options and benefits for open-ended play are significant and require little to no prep. In case you haven’t…
This week I was invited to be a guest host for #festiveseasonplayideas @festiveseasonplayideas , which has given me so many wonderful holiday activity ideas. One of those happens to be a themed invitation to play tray, which although new to me, seemed both valuable and fun. B loved that I allowed her to mix Play-Doh colors and seemed to enjoy experimenting with items that I had never included in her…
While learning about clouds, we read It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw and then did this “cloudy art” activity from the curriculum. Mixing white paint with water was a FANTASTIC combination so that the kids could suck it up with a pipette and drop it onto the thick blue paper to make a beautiful contrast. ☁️ We also had one cup filled with just white paint and another…
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