As a Speech Language Pathologist, I am often asked my opinion on speech and language development. While I don’t know your child personally, I will tell you as both a mother and a professional, that if you have even a shred of doubt, act now. I encourage you to have a conversation with your child’s pediatrician and take them in for an evaluation. No one knows your child better than you, so if you’re concerned, or someone who cares for your child and spends a significant amount of time with them is concerned, you have nothing to lose but time, and everything to gain. Peace of mind is priceless. At worst, you spent a few hours coordinating an appointment that you may later see as a “waste of time” if your child’s results come back within normal limits (WNLs – see later post for interpretation of standardized assessment results). But let me be clear, time spent on or with your child is NEVER, EVER a waste of time. Assessments give us a baseline and point out both strengths and weaknesses in children. If your child does end up needing therapy, which I commonly and lovingly refer to as “a little push,” (seriously, think of it as a private tutor who tailors their goals to your child’s individual needs) you have just bought them the most precious thing in the world – time! So much can be gained before the age of 5, so please don’t waste another minute. Every single one counts.
Today we borrowed an idea I found on @pinterest from @fantasticfunandlearning that I will absolutely…
So many times I hear people say, “it’s not important, they can’t read…
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