I have a passion for teaching and rehabilitating others, both as a teacher and a SLP. And do you know what helps a TON? Visuals! 👀
There are many other ways people learn (auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, etc), and not everyone is a visual learner, BUT visuals can’t hurt. In fact, the more learning modalities you can fit into a lesson, the more likely that information is to “stick.” So if you have them available, use them!
@readwithriver blew my mind the other day with her idea that books 📖 provide structure for conversations. And do you have any idea 💡 why? Because they offer built-in visuals that make the abstract suddenly tangible. 🤯 Think outside the box. “Visual” is not synonymous with “poster” or “print out.” They can be books or PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), or any multitude of other options.
What’s your favorite visual or way to use visuals to facilitate learning?
This fantastic Infographic was borrowed from @ilslearning. Thank you for providing an illustration for my words!
Earlier this week we learned that yellow and red paint mix to make orange paint…
This morning we read Sky Tree by Candace Christiansen and Thomas Locker, which has gorgeous…
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