On Sunday, I started “growing” water beads and kept adding more as they expanded to make sure we’d be able to fill 2 trays worth. B has been asking EVERY SINGLE DAY since, if it’s time to play with them. My “not yet” has been met with some deep toddler disappointment, but it’s also been a lesson in patience (a lifelong skill). Finally, today was the day. 🤗 She could hardly contain herself as she watched me pack them up for school this morning.
Tuesday we learned about the sun ☀️, Wednesday about wind 💨 , and today about clouds ☁️, so it seemed fitting that we would integrate all 3 into yet another genius idea by @irishtwinsmommy (seriously, this Mommy had her name written all over my lesson plans for today).
It may have only lasted 15 minutes, but it was a delight to watch 👀 and listen 👂 as H decided to use the hand washing bucket to determine if the water beads would sink or float, after which B decided to do the same with the round construction paper sun ☀️. They declared that both items sunk and observed the process as I took pride in their little minds finding a way to integrate science 🧪 into a sensory activity. 👏🏻
When you’re a former early childhood teacher 👩🏫 who quit her dream hospital job as a Speech-Language Pathologist 🧠🗣 to micro school her now 3-year-old, these are the moments you live for. My heart is full. 💜
• Blue water beads
• Shaving cream
• Yellow construction paper
🧩 A few of us over at #adaptmyplay are getting together every week to show parents…
My sister-in-law took one look at this and asked if we were making…
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