If you recall, earlier this week we made snow 2 different ways (baking soda and shaving cream vs. cornstarch and conditioner). Because I’m a fan of revisiting activities, we saved it and went out on a limb to attempt to make “fizzy snow” with it by adding vinegar. We knew baking soda and vinegar would react, but had no idea how this would work out because there was corn…
I have tried multiple ways to make snow over the last few months, and none of them have impressed me. So, I decided to try 2 more ways…at the same time. Today we used baking soda and shaving cream for recipe #1 and cornstarch 🌽 and white conditioner for recipe #2 (using tinted conditioner may change the color of your snow). I asked a lot of guiding questions and B…
MATERIALS:• 1 cup baking soda• 1/2 cup sugar• 1/2 cup corn starch• 1 tbs cream of tartar• 4 tbsp of water• Whisk• Mixing bowl PROCEDURE:• Pour the baking soda, sugar, corn starch, and cream of tartar into a bowl. Mix well.• Add 2 tbsp of water and mix well.• If needed, add 2 more tbsp of water until the texture is fluffy.• Place in refrigerator until cool. ❄️ Confession…
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