Lets be honest. I spend more time that I care to admit on Pinterest and other IG pages looking for ideas to do with the kids. The benefits? I take the best of what I find and adapt it to make it my own. This is an example of multiple @pinterest activities blended together. I cut multiple strips of colored paper and a single paper plate in half. I gave…
This was THE MOST ENGAGING Fall activity we have “borrowed” from @lesterlearningacademy via @keep.kids.busy MATERIALS:• Pumpkin• Golf tees• Permanent marker• Child sized hammers I called @moorethanhappy earlier last week to make sure she would be ok with allowing her son to use a hammer while in school, and thankfully she said yes. 🙌🏻 As soon as I got a green light, I ordered the hammers 🔨 🔨 and golf tees ⛳️, and…
When learning about wind, it couldn’t be more simple than taping construction paper together in the shape of cylinders and having the kids make the strongest structures possible before attempting to blow them down. Naturally, the kids started to try to reinforce their structures by placing cylinders inside cylinders. They also made great Wonder Woman bracelets for pretend play. Give a child something simple, and watch it take on…
This past week we learned about wind 💨, and the kids and I really enjoyed making kites 🪁 (using card stock and ribbon) and later placing them in front of a fan to see if the wind it created could blow it. Other objects we tested included cotton balls, leaves 🍃 , a mini football 🏈, and a roll of masking tape. Concepts such as “light” and “heavy” were discussed, and they quickly learned that…
When I was teaching Kindergarten in my early 20s, I found myself elbow deep while carving a pumpkin with my littles. I loved every minute of it; my skin did not. 🙅🏻♀️ I broke out in a rash everywhere the pumpkin enzymes had touched my skin. I can eat and drink pumpkin flavored foods, I can carry a pumpkin, but the inside and I do not get along. Weird, I know…
When your Dad shows up to school for the first time ever, you sit in his lap while your teacher Mommy melts. 🥰 This activity was a great way to incorporate clouds with math, and even letter making, as B pointed out. The idea was to roll the pocket cube and place the corresponding number of clouds (AKA = cotton balls) onto the picture scene. This kind of activity is great for…
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